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Supply Chain Risk Management Solutions

Supply Chain Risk Management Solutions

In 2017 cargo crime accounted for over £55 million worth of goods stolen in the UK. The insurance market continues to react to policyholder’s supply chain concerns. Many insurers are working in partnership with organisations providing supply chain services including...
Business interruption – what is your risk?

Business interruption – what is your risk?

A manufacturer had a fire at their premises and lost everything. When they took out their insurance they had decided that they could recover from any major event within twelve months and therefore had taken out insurance to cover them for loss of income over that...
The Overlooked Gap in Cover – Terrorism Insurance

The Overlooked Gap in Cover – Terrorism Insurance

2017 has seen an increase in the terrorism threat in the UK and the type of attacks has changed from primarily property damage to increasing violent attacks focussing on fear, chaos and loss of life, sometimes with no or minimal property damage, but with business left...
Commercial Crime Protection

Commercial Crime Protection

Crime is an increasing threat to all organisations.  The recent PWC global economic crime survey identified the following trend. 34% of companies had experienced economic crime in the last 12 months; a rise of 13% 54% of those companies were large, categorised as...