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Theft and Malicious Damage

Theft and Malicious Damage

A recent survey of the top 500 small and medium sized companies has revealed that Theft and Malicious Damage remains in the top five threats to their business. Cyber might be the number one threat to SME’s, but old-fashioned theft is still a major concern. This isn’t...
Buyer beware – it’s a ‘hard’ market !

Buyer beware – it’s a ‘hard’ market !

After over a decade of soft market conditions, the insurance industry is experiencing upheaval– with fewer insurance providers, reduced appetite for risk and capacity. What has caused the market to change?  A combination of factors has occurred over the last few years...
Aquaculture – Insurance & Stock Mortality

Aquaculture – Insurance & Stock Mortality

A fish farmer will usually aim to arrange Stock Mortality insurance either on either a Named Perils or ‘All Risks’ basis.  The problem for the fish farmer is that other than in Norway, there are currently a limited number of insurers who can provide insurance on a...
Business Risk Barometer

Business Risk Barometer

The annual Allianz Risk Barometer identifies top business threats based on the insight of risk management experts from the UK and around the world. Here we look at the threats ranked most important by UK respondents. Cyber incidents and changes in legislation are...
Supply Chain Risk Management Solutions

Supply Chain Risk Management Solutions

In 2017 cargo crime accounted for over £55 million worth of goods stolen in the UK. The insurance market continues to react to policyholder’s supply chain concerns. Many insurers are working in partnership with organisations providing supply chain services including...