02380 558200 info@aeins.co.uk
Environmental threats

Environmental threats

Property owners and companies are becoming increasingly aware of the legal and financial threats that can result from an environmental liability. Even seemingly ‘low risk’ land used such as retail parks, offices and leisure facilities can hold unexpected environmental...
A guide to making a claim

A guide to making a claim

Almost everyone hopes that they will never need to use their insurance but if it becomes necessary, understanding how to navigate a path through the claims process is crucial. The payment of a claim is, at the end of the day, fundamentally what you are buying when...
DVLA cuts red tape for motorists

DVLA cuts red tape for motorists

Motorists will no longer need motor insurance policies to be checked when getting their vehicle taxed.  The changes come into force from 16th December and will also mean that motorists will only need to tell the DVLA once they declare their vehicle off road. The...
Health & Safety for small and medium sized business

Health & Safety for small and medium sized business

Ae Insurance Brokers will always be willing to offer you guidance on what constitutes good practice in managing health and safety.  This guidance should be aimed at improving the resilience of your business in dealing with civil law claims made against you, and will...
Employment Tribunals – a drain on company resource

Employment Tribunals – a drain on company resource

The Ministry of Justice has published its latest report on the cost of Employment Tribunal and Employment Appeal Tribunal cases in the UK for the period April 2012 to March 2013. This shows that there has been a 3% increase in tribunal claims compared with the same...
Perils of Underinsurance

Perils of Underinsurance

Too many businesses are risking their survival and making it difficult to bounce back successfully from a major claim. A significant problem is underinsurance and brokers and their clients need to work together to ensure that when a loss occurs the insurance policy...